Kellie Choi · Hong Kong
Founder and Administrator, icerLand
CEO, Nikko International Group
Founder of Nikko International Group, well versed in the business of high technology consumer electronics, including product development and manufacturing, project and supply chain management of multi-media, IT, communication and green power electronics.
Nikko International Group was a front runner in satellite television technology during early 1990s, when, Nikko gave the lead to European consumer satellite television systems with its autofocus satellite tracking system. Since then, global television broadcasting technology has been revolutionized from analog to digital in 2000s, and from standard definition (SD) to 8K resolution now, during which, Nikko has acquired much business and market intelligence with a broad and deep business network, yet transformed to a professional business service provider to help startups and SMEs navigate difficult business landscapes and excel in the upturn.

Featured Posts
- 18Apr Key global trends shaping a pivotal year in 2024 for businesses! Kellie Choi 2024-04-18
- 07Feb The final text of COP28 and key takeaways of Davos say, be a stakeholder! Kellie Choi 2024-02-07
- 11Dec Goodbye 2023, so long multi-national armed conflicts. Hail 2024, it's sink or swim... Kellie Choi 2023-12-11
- 23Oct One-stop Solutions, from EV SKD/CKD assemblies, digital transformation... to China and Asia opportunities Kellie Choi 2023-10-23
- 13May Have a fresh start to drive your business growth and improve your corporate earnings! Kellie Choi 2023-05-13
- 22Mar A fresh start in Spring is for the World in 2023! Kellie Choi 2023-03-22