Samuel Wong · Hong Kong
Venturer - Source, manage and invest in projects of Electric Vehicles, IoT Autonomous and Renewable Energy Storage Systems.
Having been nurtured for six years with top tier’s marketing and advertising strategies, as Head of Production, in Foote Cone & Belding (FCB), part of the global big four advertising agency group, InterPublic (NYSE: IPG), I had spent my youth as an entrepreneur, either as co-founder or CEO, to help English, Spanish and others start up and grow businesses in innovative and deep-tech industries, and had received quite a few of endorsements in the form of rewards, plaques, write-ups and articles hitting front covers and inside stories of many trade and consumer magazines in Europe, Hong Kong and China.
In the last nine years, five years as General Manager in Leoch International Technology Group, China’s Big 11 manufacturers of telecom and automotive batteries, automotive power products and EV, to have grown and merged its business units, Marshell and Marxon, into Marshell EV Group and received, late 2016, the plaque of appreciation from one of its big five customers. Afterwards, two years as Vice General Manager and one year as Consultant, in Chaowei Power Group, China’s Big three manufacturers of automotive and EV batteries, with core accountability for investment deal sourcing, execution and portfolio management, targeting global projects of electric vehicle, battery and renewable energy storage to help Chaowei Power Group grow beyond China.
Since 2020, hitting the road to realize my vision... Well, if you have a venture want to share your story with me, you can join as an icer to connect with me!

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